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that is a picture of glockys mouth(teeth)-taken from the inside
I like food ( many people can tell that by my obesity ). I dont like school. it bores me. i have to go on the internet.

how this bag o wank came about
This site is not dedicated to boro, coz they r crap. i support them because they are my home town and i am not a glory supporter. just for the records MAN U ARE FUCKING CRAP!. i did this site to test out my computer skills and by funnyness. as you can see they are both crap.

Once upon a time lived a goose.................. MAMA
Well, once upon a time some people along the lines of BEN HANRATTY GLENN WESSON and the rest of the crew went on a little journey to Holland Germany and France. While they were there they found a little thing in the streets. I dont know the rest of the story so the next time i update the page the story will be finished.

Email Me!

these are the funny shit sites
pooms homepage - very funny


this page is shit i know